commercial properties
Similar to C&A’s residential pursuits, commercial interests entail property development and construction management. The firm has built and renovated many noteworthy commercial properties in Colorado, totaling more than 2,000,000 square feet. C&A is currently in the process of developing 300,000 additional square feet of commercial space in locations that fill identified needs in specific markets.
representative commercial projects
Elizabeth 86, Mixed-Use Planned – Elizabeth, Colorado
- 100 acres, mixed-use project with: 150 For Rent Units, 150 Senior Housing Units, 20 Acres Retail/Commercial Development, 7 Acre Flex Space, 7 Acre Medical Office, 23 Acres Park and Open Space
Project Role: Entitlements, including zoning and Metro Districts
third-party real estate services
Real estate development and construction involves multiple phases, including site acquisition, project approvals and entitlements; project budgeting, land development and construction; and, ultimately, strategic marketing and disposition. Because C&A is actively involved in all project phases, the firm is well-positioned to provide comprehensive advisory services to clients. As developer, builder and owner of the majority of its projects, C&A can provide clients with land acquisition and development expertise; infrastructure and building subcontractor relationships, financing and banking relationships, and marketing and market position knowledge. C&A has extensive expertise providing construction management services including budgeting, scheduling, general contractor, ownership, marketing and disposition of all property types.